The Great Wall is a symbol of China’s culture, history and spirit. It is also one of the brightest pearls of the world civilization. The Great Wall stretches for thousands of miles, and becomes a link between China and the other countries in the world for mutual understanding.

Greatwall Ry (Finland-China Language, Education, Culture & Communication Center), registered in Finland, is a non-political, non-profit organization. It is named by the Great Wall. The purpose of Greatwall Ry is to build a platform for communication and cooperation between Finland and China, and based on this platform, to promote culture exchange, education cooperation, business developments and other activies between Finland and China. Greatwall Ry will boarden the channels for sharing information, in order to share the success and happiness. With our efforts, we believe that a new Great Wall will be built for better understanding and cooperation.


八月八日,芬中交流长城协会组织坦培雷的二十七名女士孩子们组成妖娆旗袍队,参加了赫尔辛基艺术节的大型旗袍走秀活动。感谢百味居,Omakoru 和 Lonnaskahvila Sipuli 对此次活动的热心赞助与支持。同时也是旗袍队队员们在走秀活动前经过认真辛苦的训练彩排,队员们相互帮助支持,使得走秀活动圆满完成,芬中长城交流协会的妖娆旗袍队在整台活动中大放异彩。



讲座之后,现场近二十位女士和儿童在耳熟能详的茉莉花音乐的伴奏下进行了一场旗袍走秀, 一件件制作精良、样式别致的旗袍展示在众人面前,将此次活动推向了高潮。走秀活动过后,我们还贴心地为大家安排了现场量身的环节,有了精确的尺寸,大家就可以通过网上实体店购买心仪而又得体的旗袍。同时,张女士还为以前购买旗袍的顾客修改了旗袍,将客后服务做到了海外。

2013 Summer Camp For Foreign Families With Adopted Chinese Children

The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO) organizes a Summer Heritage Camp specifically for families with children adopted from China. This Camp offers families the opportunity to better understand Chinese history and culture and children the opportunity to explore their own history.

Dates: June 30 – July 5th, 2013 (departure after breakfast).

Activity highlights: All activities will be in Beijing and the surrounding areas. Activity highlights include an Opening ceremony, Chinese culture seminar, Peking Opera experience, exchange activities with local students, making Chinese traditional handicrafts, visiting welfare institutions, and visiting scenery and historic sites.

This event is organized by the OCAO every year. The Greatwall Ry is coordinating in the camp registration process. There are more than ten families registered to the summer camp this year.

If you’d like to receive the information on the camp or other Chinese culture-related events, and plan to participate in the event in the future, please remember to register as a Greatwall member, and the information will be shared and circulated among the members.