SnowFun 冬季冰雪系列活动(1)SnowFun 冬季冰雪系列活动(1)

snowfun冬季冰雪系列活动为丰富大家的生活,提高在坦佩雷华人的交流和友谊,芬中长城交流协会将组织SnowFun!冬季冰雪系列活动。作为活动之一, 二月十号星期二在Hervanta的滑雪中心我们组织一次滑雪初学者的入门指导。由有经验的滑雪爱好者对初学者进行辅导和交流。欢迎有兴趣的朋友来参与活 动。

本次活动免费参加,长城协会将提供少量热饮。参加者须自己购买电梯票和租借滑雪用具。星期二是滑雪中心的特价时间,电梯票的价格是每小时 3.5欧元,租借滑雪器具的价格也是每小时3.5欧元。另外初学者雪道是免费的。如果以前从没有滑过雪,也没有滑过冰,第一次不大可能上真正 的雪道,只需租借滑雪器具就可以了。


- 穿着保暖的衣服,虽然专门的滑雪服不是必需的,但衣服裤子最好防水且宽松。牛仔裤是万万不行的。

- 一定要戴帽子,和一副厚手套。

- 滑雪是非常耗费体力的,一定要量力而行。同时准备好第二天腰酸腿疼。

- 一定要在指定的雪道内滑雪,不能滑出范围。

滑雪相对于其他活动,风险较大。长城协会组织本次活动, 不提供任何的事故保险,也不承担任何责任。请大家自己购买相应的保险。如果是未成年儿童,家长必须全程参与和照顾。

我们将辅导双板滑雪和单板滑雪。教练虽然不是专业的滑雪运动员或滑雪教练,但都有十几年的滑雪经验。 请要参加活动的朋友在 报名,另外注明要学习双板还是单板。我们原则上接受二十人报名,请感 兴趣的朋友尽快报名。


在SnowFun!的系列活动中,我们以后会组织更加丰富冬季活动,包括家庭雪上运动,越野滑雪,和到其他大型雪场的滑雪活动。请大家关注我 们网站和微信上的通知。

芬中长城交流协会是一个在芬兰注册的非政治性、非营利性的机构。协会多年以来一直致力于增强芬兰和中国交流与合作, 服务于芬兰的华人,帮助华人更好的溶入芬兰社会,丰富在芬兰华人的文化生活。欢迎大家踊跃加入协会,成为协会会员。 协会的会员在我们组织的活动中,享有优先的报名权和更优惠的价格。 您的支持也是我们乐于服务的动力。


The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office (OCAO) organizes a Summer Heritage Camp specifically for families with children adopted from China. This Camp offers families the opportunity to better understand Chinese history and culture and children the opportunity to explore their own history.

Dates: June 30 – July 5th, 2013 (departure after breakfast).

Activity highlights: All activities will be in Beijing and the surrounding areas. Activity highlights include an Opening ceremony, Chinese culture seminar, Peking Opera experience, exchange activities with local students, making Chinese traditional handicrafts, visiting welfare institutions, and visiting scenery and historic sites.

This event is organized by the OCAO every year. The Greatwall Ry is coordinating in the camp registration process. There are more than ten families registered to the summer camp this year.

If you’d like to receive the information on the camp or other Chinese culture-related events, and plan to participate in the event in the future, please remember to register as a Greatwall member, and the information will be shared and circulated among the members.

[lang_en]2012 Chinese New Year Celebration Party[/lang_en][lang_zh]2012 和谐音符 新春联欢 主题晚会[/lang_zh]

[lang_en]InvitationChinese New Year is the most important tradition celebrated by Chinese societies around the world. To celebrate it in Tampere, the Greatwall Ry, together with local Chinese Student and Scholar Association (CSSA-Tampere) and Chinese Education Research & Exchange Centre (CEREC) will be hosting a Chinese New Year Celebration Party and putting on the stage our best singing, dancing, kungfu etc. The party will feature the young local Chinese performance, and be organized in both Chinese and Finnish.

Date: Friday, Janaury 13, 2012

Time: 6pm – 8pm

Location: Juhlasali (main building), University of Tampere, Kalevantie 4, Tampere

You are mostly welcome to join us in this warm and happy event. If you would have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact,, or[/lang_en][lang_zh]邀请我们诚邀您参加以“和谐音符 吉祥春节”为主题的坦佩雷新春晚会。晚会定于2012年1月13日(星期五)晚18:00-20:00在坦佩雷大学Juhlasali(Kaleventie 4, Tampere)举行。春节是全球华人最为重要的节日。在这辞旧迎新的时刻,我们特意为来宾们奉献一台精彩纷呈的晚会,节目包括歌曲、舞蹈、武术等。晚会主持和节目表演将使用中文和芬兰文两国语言。

详情请洽:李淑杰, 金翠红, 何大壮

